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Driving Standards

The general public have high expectations of emergency vehicle drivers to have a high standard of driving skill and road behaviour. MET Medical has no exception to this, and our high level of standards are maintained to reduce the number of collisions that MET vehicles are involved in. 


Collisions and driver error can cause personal injury to staff, patients and other road users, a risk that needs to be minimised. Vehicle collisions have an impact on both service users and MET Medical, resulting in delays for appointments/treatment/responding to calls and a considerable money spent on repairs with vehicles not fit for operational use. 



Roadcraft was produced by the Police Foundation 75 years ago and is recognised as the gold standard of driving emergency vehicles. Roadcraft has been endorsed by the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives as the cornerstone on which advanced driver training is taught.


Based on the system of 'right place, right time, right speed and right gear', the Roadcraft system of car control is simple but highly effective. It focusses on 5 points, known as 'IPSGA', which makes drivers concentrate on positioning, speed, gear and acceleration. 


Roadcraft is used in the UK Emergency Ambulance Response Drivers Handbook (UKEARDH), being applied to both emergency driving and non-emergency driving, including patient transport.


Please see a downloadable version of the 2013 Roadcraft Handbook. There is a more recent document, UKERDH, however, they both focus on the elements of Roadcraft. 

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